rSEA - Simultaneous Enrichment Analysis
SEA performs simultaneous feature-set testing for (gen)omics data. It tests the unified null hypothesis and controls the family-wise error rate for all possible pathways. The unified null hypothesis is defined as: "The proportion of true features in the set is less than or equal to a threshold." Family-wise error rate control is provided through use of closed testing with Simes test. There are some practical functions to play around with the pathways of interest.
Last updated 9 months ago
3.70 score 10 scripts 626 downloadsrOCEAN - Two-Way Feature Set Testing for Multi-Omics
For any two way feature-set from a pair of pre-processed omics data, pairwise-TDP, Column-TDP and row-TDP are calculated. Due to embeded closed testing procedure, the choice of feature-sets can be changed infinite times and even after seeing the data withuot any change in type I error rate. For more details refer to the refrence article.
Last updated 4 months ago
3.30 score 2 scripts 491 downloads